A review by nks78
Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives by Michael Specter


I read this book immediately before reading [b:Predictably Irrational|1713426|Predictably Irrational The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions|Dan Ariely|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255573980s/1713426.jpg|3074803] and through the power of relativism (a concept explained in the latter book) this one did not have the same impact for me.

If I could give half stars this would be 3.5. Don't get me wrong, it's good, I recommend you read it. It's just that I found it dragged in places, and that I felt as though the author had a thesis going into the book and was merely picking evidence to buttress his pre-determined conclusions.
That said, I find myself returning to the themes and examples of this book more and more; Vioxx, the great Vaccine denial, herbal remedies - terrific stuff.
Since reading this book I am more able to spot denialism, the see similarities of language between anti-vaxxers and global warming denialists. What I don't feel I have is the tools to combat them - perhaps sadly, there are no such tools.

Returning to the point at the start, I enjoyed this book, but I felt as though the author was laying out a thesis and seeking to prove that thesis, rather than providing the more rational readers the tools to combat denialism where we see it.