A review by han_tan
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


Interestingly, this book took more of a psychological route rather than being paranormal horror, which was what I was originally expecting. I have seen the show adaptation of this book before reading so I did already have some preconceived opinions. To say this book met my expectations would be a lie, but it’s also not bad either?

The reason why I say that this book is more psychological is because I believe that the horror doesn’t lie in the twistedness of the house itself but how it drove Elenor crazy. I saw a lot of reviews on this book complaining how the characters were all weirdly rude but also affection to each other, and it’s all because of the unreliable narration of Elenor. The house starts affecting Elenor halfway through the book and that’s when other characters started being unjustifiably rude to each other. Elenor starts being in such a daze and state of delirious that her recalling actions and dialogues of characters just doesn’t make sense. Elenor is also an easier target to fall for Hill House too, someone who is vulnerable and lonely.

Honestly, the scary parts in this book is not really that scary when I first read it but it definitely made me a little sleepless when I thought about it at night. My favorite scene though is probably when Elenor ran around banging on the bedroom doors, and it made me wonder if she was the person who was banging the doors all along? Also, the descriptions Shirley Jackson made of Hill House is so haunting but beautiful!! Most descriptions of the house made it on to the show and I remember all of them, they are just too iconic. Jackson is just too good with romanticizing scenery and landscapes.

However, I will not lie, I can explain how characters were mean to each other but I cannot justify the wacky dialogues that some characters say, especially in the first half of the book. Sometimes, reading conversations between Luke, Elenor, and Theo feels like an exchange between kindergarteners and not literal adults….

Anywayy, I definitely wished I could’ve read this book in one sitting, though. I feel like reading in the right environment and pacing is really important to get the maximum spook from the book