A review by cassiealexandra
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez


There was a lot that I liked about this one. I enjoyed the banter and friendship between Kristen and Josh. Their immediate connection, commonality, and chemistry was obvious. I liked their extended group of friends. I thought the inclusion of specific breweries, street names, and LA neighborhoods helped to transport me into the setting. And as with other titles by Abby Jimenez, I appreciated that she tends to bring sensitive topics to the forefront and handle them delicately (see upside down text in content notes below).

Even though I enjoyed this, it was not my favorite Jimenez book and here’s why. The strong language and innuendo hit fast and often in this one. Kristen’s “cool girl/guy’s girl” personality wasn’t relatable for me personally, but I can see that being a major plus for others.

My biggest issue was the fact that there was what I would consider emotional cheating in this one. Having married fairly young, I realize I’m very conservative with this, and I have little experience with what might be considered “normal” in the dating scene these days. Still, the bond that Kristen and Josh create before Tyler is out of the picture is, well, a lot.

In addition to this, there is a lot of unnecessary lack of communication. A conversation could have been had at about the 35% mark in the book and it would have ended with an HEA right there.

My other big issue was a huge plot point toward the end that felt a little bit convenient and cheap knowing that a second book in this “standalone” but connected series was already in the works. Suggestion, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT read the description of The Happily Ever After Playlist before finishing this one. I did, and it was a mistake.

The bottom line: Expect a fun read with some laughter, warm fuzzies, and emotional depth, but be warned about particular romance tropes in advance.

Genres: romantic comedy
POV: 1st-person, dual
Content: explicit language, ʎʇı̣ןı̣ʇɹǝɟuı̣
Romance: two open door scenes in chapters 14 and 28
Audio Narration: this was decent, but not my favorite

(all out of 5)

Pace: 3
Enjoyment: 4
Craft: 3
My Gut Feeling: 3

Total Stars: 3.25 

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