A review by glennisleblanc
Seven Kinds of Hell by Dana Cameron


Right after Zoe's mother dies and leaves her with instructions to take off, her cousin is kidnapped by a Russian that want her to use her archaeologist skills to swap an artifact she swiped from work for the return of her cousin. Turns out she took the object because it called to her and the reason is called to her is a part of herself that she has hidden from everyone and tried to deny in herself is she is a werewolf. She knows nothing about controlling it or her father's family since her mother left him and took her while living on the run. Different groups of people are after Zoe including a former boyfriend that knows more about her than she does herself. She is always several steps behind everyone in the knowledge dept and when she says something is happening it is dismissed since "those things don't happen in their Fangborn culture". A entertaining read and I started the second one soon after this one.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through Netgalley.