A review by bfdbookblog
Liam Davis & The Raven by Anyta Sunday


Unfortunately, sometimes I judge a book by its cover, and although I love the cover model, this cover confused me a bit. It makes sense now and I’m glad I didn’t let it stop me from reading this book. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop.

I adore Quinn and how he understands Liam. At first, I thought Liam was possibly asexual, turned out he was just discovering his sexuality. Then I thought possibly aro, but the more we got to know him I thought possibly he had Asperger’s because of his lack of emotion or social intelligence. He kind of reminds me of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. Liam hints at his (we’ll say) quirkiness but doesn’t really say why he seems so emotionally stunted and blatantly honest. I suppose part of it can be attributed to his family history, but it seems like more than that.

There is surprisingly a lot of heavy emotion in this one because of the homophobia and what happened with several of the characters.

The minor ‘mystery’ had some surprises wrapped in it, although I thought I had it figured out (nicely done Ms. Sunday). Along with these surprises, there was a twist to a much-hated character that sets us up perfectly for the next book.

Hunter is an awesome character and I cannot wait to read his book next because I think he’s going to be amazing with his potential love interest. I’m assuming we haven’t seen the last of Mitch either and I’m not sure how I feel about him so if we get a book there’s some work that needs to happen there.

In case it wasn’t obvious by my rating, this is a fantastic book that I recommend.