A review by theeditorreads
Hard to Love by W. Winters


Hard to Love is a story about Seth King and Laura Roth. They know each other from their childhood, and are teenage sweethearts, having grown up in the same rough neighbourhood, too rough. A story of love that can no longer blindside the faults in the other half's life, doesn't want to. But what happens when that love comes calling again?

I love it when sidekicks get their own story. After constantly finding Seth at Jase's side, as his trusted driver and friend and in whichever capacity Jase needed him, I wanted to read about him and Laura too. That it began from the very beginning was a bonus! And I have been warned this time, by the author's line up of the novels, that this will yet again end in a cliff-hanger. Sigh! I am eager to read about how his and Laura's story started though. The author is a master at amping up the suspense in her stories. Never did I ever imagine while reading Irresistible Attraction trilogy that Seth and Laura were connected from much before. That Laura, who was such a strong friend to Beth had such a tough beginning was unimaginable!

The prologue starts from before, from before Seth met and started working for the Cross brothers. It was great to see him as the boss here. The story then starts from thirteen months before, where Laura and Seth seem very much in a relationship. In fact, it's been two years of them being together. As is the norm with the author's books, this one too has alternate chapters through his and her point of view. And... she's a reader! Yep. Laura is a reader of thick anatomy textbooks. Because she wants to be a nurse and wants to break away from the thug life. And then something happens, something life-changing that solidifies her decision of moving away.

While she is looking forward to applying to a nursing program, Seth is all about keeping her with him forever. He doesn't want to let her go, even though she has her doubts. They didn't have a rosy beginning in life, and that is why, in spite of loving Seth, Laura is uncertain about their future together. More so because Seth has never once said that he loves her. And after all that she's been through in her childhood, she doesn't think of it as a good idea to move in with Seth, rather she prefers living in her grandmother's house, even if alone.
Sometimes you have to take a hit from your enemy for them to be seen as what they are.

This book is more romantic at first than romantic suspense. They're together since they were sixteen. How cute is that? Though there is too much violence in their past to make it any kind of cute... Laura wants to leave that same gangsta life behind, which her family too was a part of. I felt very bad for Laura, she's so lonely, with no family to speak of anymore. It was hard for her to love Seth, but Seth now hates her. Because she left. And the story, the author gives a glimpse before leaving us hanging (as usual) as to what exactly happens when they meet after eight years through Jase and Beth's connection. At least now I know how Laura came about that money she helped Beth with. That Seth made a conscious decision to come work for the Cross brothers in East Coast was another surprise. Because it was where Laura was.

I'm eagerly waiting for [b:Desperate to Touch|47636704|Desperate to Touch|W. Winters|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1566051566l/47636704._SY75_.jpg|72782211] now, the second part of Laura and Seth's story. I'm eager to see where Laura and Seth go from the mess they left eight years back. October 8 can't come fast enough.

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Shaina's Musings