A review by trevert
Naked Came the Florida Man by Tim Dorsey


I like the Serge books, I really do, but... I always come away from them a little disappointed. My impression is that they want to be Carl Hiassen really badly, but don't quite get there. Coming off this one, my immediate thought is that this was a book that needed a plot. You get a lot of fun hijinks from Serge as he punishes various Florida conmen and assholes, you get a side(back)story about a young girl wanting to play football, and another side story about a criminal boat captain, and the thing is, these different storylines don't hook up until about the last 30 minutes of this 11 hour audiobook. The result is that there really is no driving narrative - There's no reason to keep reading because it's just Serge rambling around Florida getting into humorous trouble. That's fun on its own and I did enjoy the book, but after a while you get the impression that the author is just venting his frustrations on the scumbags of Florida rather than actually putting forth a connected tale.

Sooo... Fun and entertaining and not boring, but not really a standout novel, at least to me.