A review by kbogatz
Crank by Ellen Hopkins


[b:Crank|270730|Crank (Crank, #1)|Ellen Hopkins|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348310402s/270730.jpg|262457]

Crank by Ellen Hopkins was published in 2004. This book commonly falls into the categories of realistic fiction and poetry. Hopkins is a very diverse author, she started out writing non-fiction books for children, twenty to be exact. The book can be found in many bookstores and usually costs about eleven dollars. Crank is Hopkins first novel and is first in the trilogy. This book somewhat based off the oldest of Hopkins daughters, and how her she was affected by her addiction to crystal meth. Crank is a thrilling book that is very hard to become bored in. The author tries to make the story seem like something you would read about in the news, but also gives you enough change that you have to focus to keep up. The main character goes through many different changes throughout the story. First it starts out with this teenage girl going to visit her father, and when she arrives back home her personality and whole look on life has changed completely. The main character goes throughout the story making some difficult decisions, and each makes the next obstacle even harder. The character starts out with not the best of choices but her actions have consequences and force her to change how she lives or many things will become life changing, and in not so good of ways. The books ending is somewhat suspenseful because you want to know what happened to her and what will happen next. This however is a good thing because it did not give too much away for the next books. I personally liked the book because she did an excellent job of making it a realistic book while at the same time showed how bad choices like doing drugs can impact your life in so many ways. Hopkins does not only prove many points, she makes it seem like she went through all of it herself. This book creates so many emotions because you can’t help but feeling to every character, even if the connection, or the character are not so good. The many characters in her life play a big role in the decisions of the main character but they also manage to make the main character seem real, like the struggles they face could so easily happen to you as well. This book is a fantastic read not only in the sense of reality but also that it is so easy to read because of the format and word usage throughout the text. However though I would not recommend this book to someone who can not handle profanity or can’t take other not so pleasant topics seriously or maturely.