A review by dajenny
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp


Great primer on cultivating creativity, though a bit unconventional at times. Twyla Tharp certainly has her own approach to things.

I didn't do all of her exercises - to be honest, some of them seem just a bit out there for me - but there are several I jotted down to try. She gives some good practical advice on how to encourage yourself to practice your art in everyday life.

That said, some of her advice is impractical for real life - not all of us have the time, resources, etc that she has to devote to our craft. (Though, to be fair, at one point she did say one of her regrets was trying to "have it all"- career, home life, etc - and that this really isn't possible).

(This isn't really a "writing" book per se, but I read it to encourage my writing, so I'll shelve it there.)