A review by jaimearkin
All or Nothing at All by Jennifer Probst


Okay so I’m going to be the black sheep on this one… and this is going to be all spoilers so don’t bother reading it you don’t like to know what’s going to happen.

Everything was going fine and wonderful… I was loving the second chance story. Tristan was trying to gain back Sydney’s love and proving to her he’s back and wants something serious … and then BAM.

I was so pissed off for the last third of this book that I’m surprised I didn’t DNF it.

The saving grace for it I guess was the way Tristan made an effort to bond with Becca but holy crap it almost didn’t.

Let me tell you what I found so … infuriating.

We’ve been led to believe that Becca is this strong, woman… she won’t take shit from anyone. But then she tells Tristan the truth and she becomes this timid mouse who he steps all over and forces to do things against her wishes. And... let’s talk about that.

Yes… it’s totally adorable when she refuses to share a room with you and you hunt her down each night forcing her to sleep in the same room under the guise of “we have to make things normal for Becca”. It’s totally sexy when in doing so, she thinks she’s having a dream, but in fact it’s real life and he’s kissing her and undressing her. It doesn’t matter that she was totally okay with it in her head, you’re basically screwing around with her while she’s sleeping … after she’s repeatedly turned you down in the past… so…. NO.

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Also can I just mention how ridiculous the end was… after all the “I’ll never be able to love and trust you again” suddenly he finds a document that proves she wasn’t lying and all is right with the world … AND after blackmailing you he sends you a fancy dress and takes you out to a fancy dinner and poof … all that is GONE and OKAY. Again .. NO.

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How am I the only one who was bothered by this?

Overall this series was kind of a bust for me. I love some of Probst’s other titles so I’ll definitely keep reading her stuff, but man this was a disappointment.

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