A review by reneetc
Changing Perspectives by Jen Silver


I confess, I only wanted to read this story because of the cover. Why bother with the blurb? I'm happy to say sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Camila and Dani's journey includes a healthy dose of "sensuality and mutuality." Sure they are experts in their fields and are motivated to succeed; however, they each have character flaws and need help to overcome these flaws. Before Dani, Camila's life was bland and too structured. Similarly, before Camila, Dani was a bit untamed. Together, Camila and Dani balanced/enhanced each other. They are an example of the phrase "opposites attract." Camila needs to let loose and be open about her sexuality (like Dani), and Dani needs to kick Lisa to the curb and settle down. I admit that while reading, I predicted at some point one of the main characters would either cheat, end the relationship, or join some S&M addiction center, but I was wrong. The sex scenes left more to the reader's imagination rather than go into details about Cami and Dani's love making. There is a little angst at the beginning of their relationship, but overall their journey represents a progressive sense of happiness. 
From a setting perspective, you know you're a digital native when...
During the first half of the story I kept saying to myself "Why don't they just text or call each other on their cell phones and be done with it." Yeah, I'm a digital native and proud of it.