A review by ruzgofdi
Die #4 by Kieron Gillen


At last, an opportunity to get some more information about the cast of characters. Kinda. Sorta. We do get back story for one of the cast. A question that's kind of been left open ended since the start of the run is asked of a second character and no answer is given because they don't really have an answer to give. And we have a few little bits of information scattered in there regarding the others that are just sort of dropped in passing. All while the cast waits for information on how best to proceed on their journey. And once they have that information, it seems they've decided to try to apply some TNT to the railroad tracks they feel they're on.

This feels to me like the second issue in a row that's a bit of a breather. And considering where the issue ends, I fear that I'm going to be very glad for the break we've had come the next issue.