A review by littlebookterror
We Are the Crisis by Cadwell Turnbull



How do you review a second book in a series that feels more like a straight continuation yet just as mysterious and unknowable as its first book?

I stand by my early assessment of this series that 1. it's best read as a group discussion and 2. I think the series is larger than its parts.

While I can't lie that I felt at times this reading experience was frustrating at times, I am still wholeheartedly in love with these characters and these worlds. We are getting deeper into the minutae of the magical aspects, Cal is still being sneaky, and connecting the dots feels like you at the top of a rollercoaster.
It's one hell of a ride!

I think I will probally try for a more coherent review once I've reread this cause that seems to be the pattern with me and Turnbull.

I received an advanced reading copy from Blackstone Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

original comment:
"No Gods, No Monsters is the reckoning. We Are the Crisis is the backlash once the world generally makes up its mind about what is happening. The focus is the social change, told through the characters. But many of the characters will also be invested in finding answers to better understand the monster world. They’ll find some of what they’re looking for, and some of what they’re not. It's several years into the future."
And the cover looks brilliant!