A review by pattydsf
Wedding Toasts I'll Never Give by Ada Calhoun


“By staying married, we give something to ourselves and to others: hope. Hope that in steadfastly loving someone, we ourselves, for all our faults, will be loved; that the broken world will be made whole. To hitch your rickety wagon to the flickering star of another fallible human being -- what an insane thing to do. What a burden, and what a gift.”

I should have reviewed this book months ago. I was sent an ARC to read and I did so before publication. Unfortunately, two things happened. One, we were deep into my daughter’s wedding plans and that was taking all my energy. Two, my husband picked this up and absconded with it. He just recently returned it to my clutches.

This was an excellent read. It is one of those books that while you are reading, you want to tell everyone what the author has written. I was randomly quoting this book at my spouse, which is part of the reason he took it away from me. This is one of the parts of married life that I love and he tolerates. I read a lot more than he does, so he puts up with me telling him about whatever book I am living in on that day.

Calhoun knows marriage from the inside and she is willing to share hers with the rest of us. I highly recommend this to anyone who is married or knows married people. In other words, these essays are wonderful.

BTW, the book, my daughter’s wedding and the fact that my husband read it all came together at the wedding. My husband gave a lovely toast based on Calhoun’s ideas about marriage and literature. It was a wedding toast I was glad to hear.