A review by mjsam
Dare to Love by A.L. Brooks


ARC received via Ylva in exchange for an honest review.

This is a follow on from [b:Write Your Own Script|44536119|Write Your Own Script|A.L. Brooks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553005872l/44536119._SY75_.jpg|69118108] and features Carmen (Tamsyn’s agent) and Ash, a tattoo artist. The two meet when Carmen’s BFF decides to get a tattoo in reaction to her latest breakup. Carmen is intrigued by Ash, who doesn’t fit any of Carmen’s preconceived ideas of what a tattoo artist would be like. They meet again by chance and start up a friendship. Both MCs are mid 40s and written as fully fleshed out, with careers, family and friends that enrich their lives.

Ash has been burnt by a straight girl in the past, so she’s up front about only wanting a friendship with Carmen, even though they are both falling for the other. Ash is also helping her 14 yr old niece Sophie (who is a delight) through the coming out process. This also involves Ash’s sister, Courtney, and some of their scenes were really moving.

On Carmen’s side, we have Tamsyn and Maggie from ‘Write’ and Carmen’s best friend Felicity, who I thought was going to be some vapid divorcee, but was a wonderful friend. Carmen’s brother Tristan and his partner are also featured, and I loved the scenes between the siblings, their relationship was very sweet.

The relationship between the MCs is the very definition of a slow burn. Even after they get together there’s no rush towards sexy times, so if you’re waiting for that, you’ve got a long wait. This is the opposite of ‘Write’ in that regard. I loved the slow build and that we got to see the MCs get to know each other. I also liked that though this is a coming out story for Carmen, she wasn’t tooing and froing at any point, she discussed her fears with her friends and with Ash, and was very brave about putting herself out there. Her first attempt at that had me choking up.

The only downside in the story was Ash’s hesitation about becoming involved with Carmen, I could understand her hesitation (although I thought her backstory was a little too... I don’t know, it just didn’t seem like something that should have held her back for as long as it did, given that the relationship wasn’t even a relationship, but YMMV). In any event it got too repetitive towards the end, and is the reason I knocked off a star.

This is a lovely romance between two sweet MCs who deserve their HEA, with the added benefit of also being able to catch up with Tamsyn and Maggie again. Four stars.