A review by juliamz
The Vanished Collection by Pauline Baer de Perignon


"The Vanished Collection" by Pauline Baer de Perignon ~ At the base of this story lies the biggest crime ever committed: the attempted concealment of the biggest crimes committed against humanity. The fact that so little information and help was available to the descendant (and the whole family) regarding what happened to her grandfathers art collection is a testament that very little, too little, was done at the end of the war to investigate the extent of the crimes committed against the Jewish community and all those prosecuted by the Nazis. I found baffling that not even the museums seemed inclined to help with the research into Jules Strauss' collection! And even when presented with strong evidence that it is highly possible that some of the art they are exposing in their corridors was stolen by the Nazis, they were still reluctant to check!

"Truth is only possible when history is acknowledged"