A review by jazzrizz
Amaryllis by Jayne Castle


I can't believe I missed these. I decided to to a re-read in anticipation of [b:Guild Boss|57155093|Guild Boss (Ghost Hunters, #14)|Jayne Castle|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1619761629l/57155093._SY75_.jpg|89457425]. I noticed I missed the St. Helen's books.

You can definitely tell that this is an older book, but I really enjoyed this one. Lucas is great, Amaryllis takes a bit to get used to. She's headstrong, and VERY naïve. Lucas finds himself wanting to be around her, even if she frustrates him to no end.

She's obsessed with a talent being used "unethically", and goes to great length to investigate her mentor's "accidental" death ... dragging Lucas along for the investigation.

A great introduction to "Off the scales" talent & prisms on a Earth colony left behind when the curtain fell.