A review by amybraunauthor
Angel Bait by Tricia Skinner


Really enjoyed this novella! The story was interesting, the characters were fun, and the action and romance were intense. I liked the way the world was built and the way angels were portrayed. The final battle was wild, and I really didn't know what was going to happen. Ionie was a great heroine and impossible not to love. Jarrid was the definition of broodiness, but I really liked how he developed with Ionie in his life. You could actually see the changes rather than have the author state they happened, rather than simply be told that was the way it was. I also loved the angles the story took to keep it unique. That said, my only complaints were that it was a little cliche. I mean, we've all heard this romantic story before: A broody warrior falls in love with a woman who changes his world. That said, I didn't mind the cliches– the story was just too good! The romance wasn't heavy-handed throughout the plot and only seemed to affect the main characters, which was nice. I like romantic stories as much as the next girl, but I need something else to keep me reading. I also wish we knew more about the villain. He was pretty dangerous, but I wanted to know more of his history. All in all, this was a sexy, wild ride, and cliche or now, I will definitely be continuing with the series!