A review by mandalor3960
The Book of Five Rings: The Classic Treatise on Military Strategy by Miyamoto Musashi


A very tedious read. So many concepts jammed throughout the book and basic language descriptions did not help me get a grasp on the book. Everything seemed gibberish and beyond comprehension. It was not until I finished the book and stepped away from it that I understood the philosophy behind it.

Rating Update 3/13/2019 - 4 to 3 stars. Because I found it boring, it lowered the rating to 3 stars.

Rating Update 4/6/19- 3 stars to 2 stars. There are small excerpts that really draw me in, regarding to the philosophy of a warrior and how to live life, but the book is a very dull read. I may be flip flopping on how to rate the book but cumulatively I do not think it merits a 3 stars.

August 20, 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. The original review and
subsequent updates rating conform to the new rating system. The main support for the two star rating is from the April 6, 2019, rating update. Perhaps the final sentence of the original review hints at a four star rating if I can properly realize the potentiality of the book.

February 11, 2020
It may seem puzzling that I originally rated this book at four stars and wrote this in the original review: "It was not until I finished the book and stepped away from it that I understood the philosophy behind it". I vividly recall having a four star-rated feeling after having finished the book The feeling only came after my confusion in understanding the book and then the feeling passed. It does not seem right to base the rating on this passing feeling since I have never understood it since then and it was brief.