A review by rivermoose_sam
Voltron Legendary Defender Vol. 2: Pilgrimage by Jung Gwan, Tim Hedrick, Rubine, Mitch Iverson


I really like Voltron. I've watched the first two seasons on Netflix (I know, I'm WAY behind) and loved it. So I requested this.

You definitely need to know Voltron to read this, at least the premise and characters (not the whole show, its a separate adventure).

Vol. 2 takes place during season 2 in between episode 3 (Shiro's Escape) and episode 8 (The Blade of Marmora).

The artwork matched the animation style of the show really well - so you know exactly what you're in for art-wise. Though, I did find some pages/panels a bit busy - a lot going on, especially color wise.

I loved how much Hunk was focused on in the comic - especially because it feels like Hunk is ignored a lot in the show. I liked seeing more of the daily life of Voltron, and a new alien species - though the species of furry creatures was bit odd. I liked the little "Lance's Guide To Falling In Love" interlude.

Its a cute, fast read if you like the show. Definitely aimed at a younger audience - the target audience of the show is about 7+ and the comic reflects this a little more than the show does I think.