A review by radiance_01
Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett


A much faster paced book than the first installment in the series, Shorefall advances the setting some years as well as the state of the city of Tevanne; and the world. Initially the book seems to be heading in a singular, linear direction, the newest threat to Sancia and Co and the city itself, before developing further, with twists and turns that leave you wondering several things; who is right? Who is wrong? Is there a difference?

It can require some patient reading - the state of scriving advances much since Foundryside, and it can seem overwhelming.

Revelations come in bounds by the end of this book, latching onto the readers mind to wonder "What next?" even as the last page flashes up, and it is hard to put down by the second half of it. Who's side are you on? Are your assumptions baseless, or credited? Is this the end, or the start of something better, or the start of something far worse?

A brilliant thread to tie the trilogy together, with a smattering love interest from the main duo, action-packed scenes, and a crew of misfits that are impossible to take your eyes off of.