A review by introvertsbookclub
Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement by Ashley Shew

funny informative fast-paced


Shew reveals all of the problems with disability technology that most able-bodied people (myself included) would never consider. She traces the ways in which ableism is perpetuated by disability technologies: the exclusion of people with disabilities in their design; the focus on achieving ‘normalcy’ at the expense of comfort or support; the pressure put on people with disabilities to appear and behave as though they have been ‘fixed’; the inaccessibility of so much technology; and the harm that is often caused in the process of inventing and experimenting.

Their central point is that technology treats disability as an individual problem which requires personal change to fit in with the rest of society, rather than a social problem that requires society to adapt and become accessible for all. Her writing is illuminating and persuasive, advocating for a society and a future in which disability and people with disabilities are central rather than marginalised, and she manages to be both serious and funny. Such a short read, but such a full reading experience.

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