A review by mikekaz
Bloodline by F. Paul Wilson


With BLOODLINE, you can see the final act of the Repairman Jack series begin. Wilson has talked about how everything will lead up to a grand conclusion in Nightworld which will be rewritten to better tie in to all the previous novels. By leaving some of the plot lines open at the end of the novel, we can see how events will start to cumulate.

BLOODLINE has Jack being hired by Christy Pickering to break up her teenaged daughter Dawn's relationship with a much older Jerry Bethlehem. It turns out that Jerry is on a mission from his father to create a baby with a large amount of "other" DNA and who will end up being a key factor in the fate of the world. We are also introduced to the Kickers movement which in addition to the oDNA seems to be tapped into the Otherness that is guiding Jack's nemesis across the novels.

While it doesn't sound it from my description above, this book is grounded in reality a bit more than the more supernatural-based two previous novels. Jack's actions have a more concrete goal and a more immediate effect on his future than previous novels. Plus he starts to accumulate mysterious items which we know will become important by the end.