A review by dsbookie
Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory


This is a very long book. I am normally pretty okay with long books, too, but this one felt like it went on for an eternity. I think my biggest issue with it was the lack of quotation marks so we have no idea who is talking at any given time until they are half done with the conversation, which is super irritating to say the least. Another thing that made this hard to read is that there is no set timeline since it is a collection of books rather than a coherent novel. Because of this, there are characters who die and come back to life miraculously without any explanation or characters who are lost and never seem to find their way back to the story.

Overall, it was interesting to read. I am glad I got to read one of the source texts for some of my favorite series (television, film, and book). It is cool that I get to say I have read this in casual conversation with other book nerds because it is definitely an accomplishment to say the least.

Will I be reading it again? No. A resounding no to that.