A review by lezreadalot
When Women Were Warriors Book II by Catherine M. Wilson


“Your task will be to let your heart grow large enough not to break.”

RE-READ 2022. When I started my reread, I glanced at my first review and was disappointed to see that I'd only written one sentence. I love looking back to see what I thought of books in the past; it's why I try to write a review for every book I read, even if it's just one paragraph. Now that I've completed my reread, I understand why past Laura only had one sentence in her. I loved this so much. SO SO MUCH. It's no wonder I had trouble putting it into words. Yesterday when I finished the first book, I understood why it affected me so much in the past, even if it didn't quite get me in the same way in the present. But this? This is just as much of an emotional gut punch as it was when I first read it.

The writing is terrifically simple, but sometimes it just reaches off the page and slaps me in the face. There aren't a lot of frills to this coming of age, coming into power, adventure and love story, but it's told so honestly and beautifully it truly just makes me want to cry. I love Tamras and Maara with my whole, whole heart. The deepening of their relationship, the way Wilson takes her time with it, never neglecting other bonds and ties that they have, but showing how they circle each other slowly and irrevocably before coming to the same point? It's just so good. In every line of this book, there's something about the way strength and tenderness are juxtaposed that means so much to me. It priorities women and relationships between women without getting essentialist about it; talks about motherhood as something beautiful, but not universally desirable. So much about this was perfect to me and for me. Ever get the zoomies from a book? Like, you read a line and you just need to put the book down and walk around your living room? Yeah. That was me, several times while reading this.

I'm mad at myself that it took me so long to reread this series, and I'm also terrified because the third book is the only one I haven't read and I'm scared for it to end. I'm still going to start it immediately. I can't do anything but that. I adore these characters, and right now, all I want to do is spend more time with them.

I felt no fear. No harm will come to me, not like this, not when love asks the question.


I'm too emotional to write a proper review but this series continues to be perfect and everything I want out of life and fiction.