A review by glendaleereads
Breaking Time by Sasha Alsberg


More like 2 1/2 stars. I’ve never read Outlander or known much but I’ve read other reviews that this is very similar. I liked the concept of this book and i think for a new writer that this is a good start. However, for the world that the writer creates or is trying to create…the plot needs to be fleshed out and the development of her characters need to be stronger.

I am intrigued by Callum and Klara but I don’t feel like I really know them if that makes sense. I know that as a writer grows and publishes more they learn more and being that this is only her second published novel, she still has a lot to learn but she did the thing.

I’ll def check out the second novel.

Two stars bc lack of fleshed out plot and character development

Three stars to the concept of the story