A review by alanddauthor
The Horizon by Jung Ji-Hoon


Al principio me pareció que la sinopsis no decía mucho, que dejaba muchos cabos sueltos, pero la realidad es otra. Resulta que explica muy bien de qué va este manga, que es una historia postapocalíptica en donde dos niños tratan de sobrevivir. Sin embargo, lo que no nos dice, es que es una experiencia en la que te sumerges por completo.
Reseña completa: https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2023/08/manhwa-horizon-vol-1.html

At first it seemed to me that the synopsis did not say much, that it left many loose ends, but the reality is different. It turns out that it explains very well what this manga is about, which is a post-apocalyptic story where two children try to survive. What it doesn't tell us, however, is that it's an experience in which you are completely immersed.
Full review: https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2023/08/manhwa-horizon-vol-1.html