A review by tresat
Zero Day by Mark Russinovich


This was one of the worst books I've ever read. I obviously wasn't expecting great literature when I picked this up, but this was miles away from being even a decent thriller. There wasn't even any interesting discussion of computer security involved - which was the main reason I was interested, considering the author's credentials - it was all very high level and vague, clearly toned down to broaden the appeal. Characters were entirely black or white; every female was a beautiful, oversexed goddess; the villains were generic "terrorist" caricatures that lacked any substance; and the American leads were entirely selfless, heroic and awesome in the face of any obstacle. All of which could be forgiven (hell, I've enjoyed plenty of Michael Bay movies) if the plot were halfway interesting, the pacing adequate or the writing any good. Unfortunately, they were not. Also, the sex scenes were so laughably bad, I seriously wonder if the author has ever kissed a girl.