A review by richardiporter
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump by Stuart Stevens


Students of politics and history and the current moment in American history should strongly consider reading this book.

Stevens compellingly demonstrates from an insiders' perspective how the Republican Party from Goldwater onward became a party more and more dedicated to White Supremacy and suppression of "others" and in particular Black People.

He shows that Trump, far from an aberration is the natural albeit despicable result of this trend. Were it not for him there would be someone similarly odious.

The core premise is that messaging of "morality, fiscal discipline and peace, and security were "all a lie" covering up the naked efforts to retain power through oppression. Which has simply become more exposed over time.

Like the Trump administration as a whole there are "lots of secrets, but few surprises" here.

3 Star reviews mean this was a solid book. I probably won’t read it again but I could. I may recommend it to people interested in this sort of topic. No argument from me if you love this book.