A review by birdmanseven
Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats by Joëlle Jones


I was a big fan of the wedding volume that preceded this so was anxious to get my hands on this NetGalley advanced copy.

Catwoman can be a fascinating character and I actually was kind of digging her Batman Returns esque costume in this volume. If I had to level a critique at this run so far it would be that Catwoman feels like a side character in her own book. It left the collection without a real centerpiece. After the epic wedding saga, I would have preferred Catwoman to go back to her roots with a simple, classic cat burglar tale. The shady political intrigue found in this book could make an interesting story, but as is it left a little choked. It almost feels like Catwoman could be completely excised from the story and you'd hardly notice. Catwoman stories work best when you've got a birds eye view into Selina's world. (See the Brubaker/Cooke run for a great example.) I feel the character was under utilized here.

In any kickoff volume you expect a little exposition, but from Catwoman you also expect fun. You need it. This was not a fun read. Here's hoping the second volume finds its groove.