A review by stephreads_
Married to the Black Widow: A Chilling True Story of Lies and Deception by Rob Parkes

dark emotional sad


Firstly, a massive thank you to Rob for sending me this book, as soon as I saw about it, it went straight on my wish list, so I’m very grateful to have received this.

What an incredibly written book. I needed to give myself a few days before writing my review because this book is extremely heartbreaking to read and I finished it just thinking ‘Wow’, speechless at the fact Rob went through such a horrific time over many years.

While I can only imagine what Rob went through, I kinda felt like I was going along this with him as I read each page of heartbreak. I think it’s incredibly brave to write about what him and his family went through - it can’t have been easy to do this.

This is the kinda thing you’d think should be fiction and I feel so sad that he went through it, no one should have to experience anything like this. Rob fought to protect himself and his family through years of torment and abuse and I genuinely was so shocked as I got through each chapter.

This is a gripping read and is featured on 24 hours in police custody. I feel like it’s a book everyone should read and share far and wide.

The final addition to the book, a letter to Grace. I think it’s a perfect way to finish the book and it had me in tears. A fathers letter to his daughter.

I wish Rob and his family all the happiness in the world and a peaceful future.

Should anyone that reads this and is experiencing anything similar or even a fraction of what Rob went though, there are some important contacts at the end of the book.

Married to the Black Widow is out now