A review by shubha_tree
Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career by Kristi Coulter

Throughout this book, Coulter made me laugh, empathize, and tear up about the modern American work-hustle culture, the absurdity of Amazon, and the challenges Amazonian women face. As someone who spent her formative years studying in Seattle, Amazon has seemed like one of the best, awe-inspiring places only a lucky few can work at on God's green earth. But what this book has taught me is that regardless of how fantastic a workplace may seem, it is also a place where we trade our hours for compensation to actually go out there and enjoy life (taking words out of this book). Another thing that I have learned is that it is crucial to understand the worth of your work and yourself, regardless of what you have been told since girlhood. Coulter clapping back at her coworker for making unrealistic demands was one of the most satisfying moments, and I hope to channel some of that energy throughout my career.