A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Hold Me by Dima Zales, Anna Zaires


So Julian is the main reason I realize I'm giving this series a five-star. I love him. Like he is exactly the kind of guy I'm a sucker for in books. He has a horrible past, doesn't know how to deal with his feelings/relationships, overly possessive (but only because he wants to make sure she is safe)...basically 100% alpha male. You can tell that he loves her even though he can't say the words.

“I will give you the world, my pet. The whole fucking world—just as long as you’re mine.”

Nora I have a love/hate relationship with. She has moments of strength and I love her. But then she talks about him taking her or mentions Stockholm syndrome or says a guy like Julian and I want to scream!!! Seriously, we are on the third book. Why are we still talking about any of this??? I'm completely over it at this point.

The book ended on a high note though. Nora finally stands up to her parents. Julian and Nora deal with them both thinking they are at fault for things that are out of their control. And finally, FINALLY, the words are said and all is right in the world...

“Yes, Nora,” he says hoarsely. “Yes, I love you. I love you so fucking much it hurts. I didn’t know it, or maybe I just didn’t want to know it, but it’s always been there. I spent most of my life trying not to feel, trying not to let people get close to me, but I fell for you from the very beginning. It just took me two years to realize it.”