A review by poisonivy70
One Night with a Billionaire by Jessica Clare


Kylie’s in dire straits (nope, not the band. And yes, I just showed my age) She’s taking a position as makeup artist to Daphne Petty, a truly horrible person who happens to be a singer. She meets Cade Archer, who has been pining for Daphne, or the woman she used to be, forever. Cade wakes up and realizes that Daphne’s not the woman he wants, and during this epiphany, has a one night stand with Kylie. Of course, it’s never easy, the path to true love. But romance does happen.

The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

-Enjoyed Ms. Clare’s writing, as usual: I’ve been a fan of Ms. Clare’s writing (her hitman series with Jen Frederick being one of my faves) and I’d never read her billionaire series. It’s lighter in tone, and certainly a fantasy of these billionaires who fall in love like dominoes, but I’m all for that fantasy.

-Cade’s sweet, and a bit of a passive hero: Cade seemed like a nice guy who just spent too much time (which happens before this book, it seems) pining over the idea of Daphne (more on my loathing of her later). I was concerned about his feelings for Daphne, but he has several good scenes where he lays out how he’s all about Kylie, which went a long way towards my enjoyment of this romance. Now Kylie, on the other hand….

-Kylie’s super insecure: Kylie is a heroine that I could understand...to an extent. I understood her insecurities, and her horrible grandmother shaping her self-worth and what she did to protect her emotions. I just couldn’t quite find any sympathy when she continually lied and hid her feelings, and pretended to ignore Cade to pacify Daphne. This is my preference, but seeing a heroine, terrified of being a burden, but comes off as a damsel in distress for most of the story, doesn’t appeal to me. Understood it, just couldn’t sympathize enough to look past it.

-Standalone, even if it’s the final book in series: This is the first book in the Billionaire series I’ve ever read, so I wasn’t familiar with the club or the earlier couples. Not necessary because I think Ms. Clare gives enough information to flesh out the story. And frankly, if I’d read about Daphne before this, I’m not sure how I’d feel about it, because damn….

-Holy fudgenuts did I loathe Daphne: But most of all, I loathed that everything that happened was based on her whims and keeping her happy. She’s the impetus for them meeting, she’s the reason they can’t be together, she’s the cause of their ultimate breakup, she’s so far into this that it affected my enjoyment. I felt that Kylie came off pretty weak, her constant fear was just a turnoff for me.

Seriously, I wanted to smack Kylie, and Cade to a slightly lesser extent, for allowing her to have that kind of power over their relationship. Even at the end, it was about Daphne getting clean and how understanding Kylie is. I’m not that generous. I just wanted them to stand up for themselves. Even now, I think Kylie’s insecurities certainly deserved a certain amount of therapy because I wasn’t sure if she loved herself enough to love someone else.

The Bottom Line
I liked it. I probably would have loved it if both Cade and Kylie had been a little less passive, and a little more proactive in their own romance.

**ARC provided by author for review**