A review by thisgrrlreads
Me and Sam-Sam Handle the Apocalypse by Susan Vaught


Susan Vaught has a way with telling stories about kids who are often seen as weird or a little off. Jesse is on the spectrum and she has some very specific needs. But everything changes when her dad is accused of stealing money from the library fund he raises money for. Things seem bad. Fortunately, she befriends Springer who immediately understands her and she gets him too. They decide to start investigating together and lo and behold, their investigation bears fruit!

The book flips back and forth between their investigation and the apocalypse mentioned (which is a very large storm). That climax is very rewarding, and I think adult readers will be surprised at how effective Jesse and Springer are at solving mysteries and helping people. But I don't think kids will be surprised, as they are great characters you can definitely believe in.

Jesse's mom is a soldier who is currently on a tour of duty. That relationship is really great to see, too.