A review by jennysaisquois
The Caretaker of Lorne Field by Dave Zeltserman


I liked this much more than I expected to! It's a fast read as you will REALLY WANT TO KNOW if the mystery of what is really in Lorne Field is solved.

Basically, the main character - and his father before him, and HIS father and HIS father etc for 300 years - have had a contract with the town to root up things that look like weeds but are actually ferocious deadly monsters. OR ARE THEY?! He believes, and so do a few of the old-timers in town, but everyone else, including his wife and older son (who is supposed to become Caretaker in his turn) think he’s coo coo if not outright dangerous. The main character’s anxiety is palpable as he agonizes over fulfilling his contract in order to save the world, tries to ensure his successor, and feels the creeping doubt and regret over FOR THE LOVE OF GOD are these things really monsters or not? Has he wasted his entire life or has he really been saving the planet? Is he insane like everyone says, or is he the only clearheaded one?

(Semi-spoiler alert:
you do find out one way or the other if they are really monsters or weeds. Or do you? Maybe not. The book follows the point of view of the main character, who strongly doubts his own sanity by the end of the book, so you can never really trust what he observes).