A review by nadine_booklover
Game Changer by Piper Lawson


This year I'm on the hunt of new to me authors. The blurb intrigued me, while seeing this book being promoted of my facebook book friends. And I haven't read a basketball romance in a while. And tbh with you, I wished I had payed closer attention. Because until the end of Game Changer, I wasn't aware of the fact that Nova and Clay's story goes over three books, with the other two being published end of June and end of August 2023. And I HATE waiting. :-D
Game Changer doesn't end with a traditional cliffy but yet there is still one that left me hanging and sad that I can't continue right away. If I'd known that before starting this book, I would have waited until all three books are published. :-)

Now, let's talk about the book. Even though the blurb is intriguing, I went in without any expectations. And it took me only very few pages to be sucked into the story. I really like Nova and Clay as induvial and also when they are together. I love how Clay is there for Nova even though is a grump through and through. But he just can't help himself with Nova. I enjoyed their interactions and banter and I think Game Changer is a great start for what's about to come.

Oh, and the side characters! I wish I'd seen more of them. And I hope I get to read Miles and Brook's story as well as Jay and Chloe's! Please tell me they'll get their own books!?

This book was definitely one that was hard to put down. I read long past midnight because I kept saying myself "just one more chapter. you'll stop after the next one", but I couldn't. And then I got hit by this cliffy. *sigh*

The thing that keeps me from giving more than 4 stars is that I think the complex relationship between Nova and her sister Mari could have been explored a little deeper. And what happened to their parents. I get the feeling that these are important points that shaped Nova into the person she is. I also don't get in the end why Harlan (Mari's husband) did what he did and why he thought it was his business to do so. I can't quite get a grip on him and it feels weird. Hopefully this will kind of clear up in the next books.