A review by cinderelles
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan


I finished this book last night. I really liked it, and once again, like I've said with every Percy Jackson book so far, I like how it just jumps into the story, no waiting around like in Harry Potter until Sep. 1st. By like the 4th chapter, someone's dead. Another thing I liked about this book was how he managed to weave in characters mentioned earlier, so that the book had more of a cast, since it was happening mostly at Camp Halfblood. And I liked how this book actually had some instants of the Gods really caring for their spouses and children, because in the last few books it felt to me like they where just putting on a show of being parents, but in this book, it shows more of they actually care. Oh, and that prophecy? Come on, Rick! Now I have something else to read! :) (Not that I was ever in danger of not.) That had better be the plot of [b:The Lost Hero|7736182|The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1)|Rick Riordan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1277091656s/7736182.jpg|10107891][b:The Lost Hero|7736182|The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1)|Rick Riordan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1277091656s/7736182.jpg|10107891], because otherwise... :)