A review by mallenp22
Midlife Demon Hunter by Shannon Mayer


3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

DUCKING - While I'm sure the author thought the whole ducking was cute and endearing, it is the most annoying thing to keep reading. We are all adults and a good swear is needed at time. Especially if this character is suppose to be fed up and starting a new from being a reserved person who didn't speak her mind.

BREE TREATEMENT - Its becoming harder to read how Breena continues to let others walk all over her. They lie and manipulate her and she still allows them in her life because they treat her slightly better than her ex. Corb lies and consistently manipulating situations. Thomas lying saying he helped her get rid of a spell but it was all a lie for her to owe the Hallows a favor. Sarge trying to kill and her just forgiving it. While I understand that she just got out of an abusive relationship and any slight improvement in treatment she sees as being treated well. I hope she starts to see her worth and stop allow others to treat badly. After her divorce she was all alone so now that she has some friend she is willing to put up with sub par treatment instead of cutting them off so she doesn't have to be alone.

LOVE TRIANGLE - The whole love triangle seems more for something to put on the page than it actually being something interesting, seems more distracting than anything. We want true connection not just you are so hot I can't think when you are around. Both option of men are sub par, compared to her ex a big upgrade but over all she can do better.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT/GROWTH - Healing is a process so I hope as she learns her true worth and gains confidence she starts to cut people out of her life that are toxic or don't prove to growing. She still has a lot of insecurities to work on, with having Eric there you would think she would use his services. She clearly needs it and it will help her character develop and create more depth. We are three books in and I don't feel like the characters are growing/developing or maybe it's too slow for us to notice differences from book to book. She has trust issues but always seems to pick the wrong person to trust. They told her not to go to Crash and she just believed what they said. Crash has been the only one who has always been upfront with her and has not lied. He deals in some bad things but he has never lied or manipulated her.

EX HUSBAND - While it was satisfying for her ex to be killed in a horrific way, it does not give a sense of justice for what was done to her. Nor does rights the wrong she had to endure. Life insurance that pays for the debt seems anticlimactic. Plus he's still around as a ghost being so annoying.

CONCLUSION - Even with all those things that I disliked in the book, the story over all was very intriguing. The world the author build pulls you in and you want to keep reading to find out what is next. Still so many unanswered question what is Bree? Who killed her family? Who are the mayor players? Maybe we will find out in the next book.