A review by catladyjenna1
Redemption: A Story of Sisterhood, Survival, and Finding Freedom Behind Bars by Stacey Lannert, Kristen Kemp

Society has failed Stacey Lannert so many times over the course of her life. This book is an eye-opening account of sexual abuse and how it ruins so many lives. Stacey has endured so much in her life, and now, out of prison for killing her abusive father, has dedicated her life to helping other victims. It was heartbreaking to read and I cried several times. How sad it is that those she admitted the abuse to either didn't understand what she was saying (because she was too young for the words), or, they weren't properly trained to handle such an admission. I think the biggest questions I have after reading this are: how do we shed light on the signs of sexual abuse in children/adolescents, how do we teach children to speak up (while they're often threatened that they will be killed if they do) without scaring them, and how does our justice system change so that this doesn't happen again? Thank you Stacey, for sharing your story.