A review by naomilane
Fantasy of Flight by Kelly St. Clare


I am so conflicted about this book. I loved Fantasy of Frost, the first book in this series, Fantasy of Flight, however, was not what I expected. While I enjoyed it, I can't say I loved it. It felt like an entire different story, different book, different everything, for, at least, half of the story. I was so disappointed because I didn't understand where the author was going with it.

Our heroine, Olina, had to become a different person with her veil gone. That I understand. But then she stayed away from the King and her entire life, for I don't know how many months. She didn't want to go back which made me sad because I loved her relationship with the delegation in the first book. I also wanted to see the romance with the king develop into something more serious.

I did like the new characters introduced in this book, much like the delegation, they're a group of misfits that founded their own little family circle. But the entire thing just seemed all over the place. There are so many characters now, from different part of the book that don't know the same Olina, if that makes sense. Some know her as Tatuma/Olina, some as Frost and some as Willow. It just was a little frustrating to read.

I did like the end of the book better. She goes back to the King and her old friends, even if they still don't who she really is, apart from the king. The romance does go a little further and I was happy, until Olina starts to pull away once again and that was honestly so annoying. I like her as a character, I think she grew a lot since the beginning of the first book and I like how strong, fierce and independent she became, but her reaction to some things were childish.

Hopefully things will be better in the third book, more focused on the actual main characters and not all over the place like this one was. I still enjoyed it because even though it was confusing, the new character were endearing and I hope to see them again. I'm excited to see more of King Jovan and see how his relationship with Olina will develop. Finally, I hope Fantasy of Fire will answer some of the burning questions we have since the first book, I feel like nothing has been cleared up yet.