A review by lindspage
I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb


Loved it.

Having myself watched a close family go through the scary processes of 1) watching a family member slowly unfold, discovering a son has paranoid schizophrenia; 2) having to worry every day about whether that person will be alive tomorrow; and 3)the constant grief, worry, fear, wonder and guilt about "why" this is happening to a loved one really made this book resonate with me. Many of the feelings of both Ray (the Stepfather) and Dominic (the "unsick" twin) paralleled the lives of this family that has been so dear and close to my heart for my entire life. Not to mention the parallels between Thomas and my friend.

Wally Lamb definitely knew what he was writing about and managed to include the human feelings and emotions of everyone involved ~ not a simple feat. And his ending was incredible. It brought everything together and left not one loose thread.

Amazing book with an ending sentence that brings chills. Good chills.