A review by quaintrelle_chantelle
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler


From the first page I knew this wasn't going to be an easy book for me to read. I persevered anyway, for reasons I'm unsure of & sadly put this book down with a bit of stink eye facial expression.

I love to read & I tend to read quickly, but some writers write in a way that is hard to read quickly. Their punctuation cutting off sentences before they've even had time to form. Deborah Meyler is one such writer. Her sentences are short & to the point. But this often makes them blunt & void of full emotions. Without having read the Author's description I had assumed that the book had been translated into English. I admit I was very surprised to find out that Meyler is in fact English, & this is just her style.

The story line is formed around young Esme Garland, who moves to Manhattan & forms a relationship with the very rich & elitist, Mitchell van Leuven. Both these characters irritated me to no end. Esme was ridiculous in her over the top devotion to this obvious creep. He was disgusting from the word go. I kept waiting for this story to get better but the more I read the more I hated the characters. I felt anger towards them both, her for not seeing what an idiot he was, & him for being so undeserving of her affections... & just plain horrible. Long story short, she gets pregnant, he walks away, then comes back, then walks away again.... all the while she's pining after him while being all awkward & weird.

This book really didn't do it for me.