A review by spiringempress
Catwoman, Vol. 1: Copycats by Fernando Blanco, Joëlle Jones, Laura Allred


I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review

I feel like I've waited a long time to read Joelle Jones' Catwoman story and it did not disappoint. First off, I appreciate anyone writing Catwoman that refers to [b:The Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper|1063425|The Catwoman Her Sister's Keeper|Mindy Newell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1554290016l/1063425._SY75_.jpg|1050065], which I consider key to Selina's backstory. Additionally, I think that Jones captures Selina Kyle's character perfectly. She's not the cutesy, dippy cat lady but she's not entirely the villain either. The story featuring young Selina and her sister was a spot-on interpretation of the character and I hope we see more of it in the future. I also think how Jones handles the Bat/Cat relationship, especially after Batman #50, was excellent. Selina suffering from insomnia leaves Gotham and finds herself involved in a pretty weird mob-esque type family. Looking forward to future issues!