A review by janine1122
The Family Man by Elinor Lipman


This was a cute, fun book, and different from what I've been reading lately. It was a nice change of pace.

The cast of characters here are really what the book is all about, and it's a kooky bunch, to be sure. I did love Henry, though I found his choices questionable at times. Okay, most of the time. Your crazy, fairly deceitful ex-wife? Why talk to her?! And then the whole Thalia thing--I have to admit, I totally expected that to come back around to bite him. And their reunion started out so strange! I also kind of loved that Thalia was much more like her mother than any of the characters were every willing to admit, since Denise has alienated so many people.

I adored Henry and Todd's relationship. It was so cute and sweet, and when Todd entered the picture, it felt like he had been there all along.

I also really enjoyed the ending, although it did feel a bit rushed. I liked the idea presented of family, and how sometimes family isn't who you think it is, or who it should be. Life is unexpected, but not always bad, and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and see where you land. I liked how things landed here -- it made me happy :)