A review by circlesofflame
Pink Panther, Volume 1: The Cool Cat Is Back by Batton Lash, S. L. Gallant, S. a. Check


We join the Pink Panther and a cast of characters in this new comic collection; something that, as a fan, I was excited to get my hands on - so, thanks to Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for making this available in exchange for an honest review.

This was a typical, old-fashioned comic filled with shorts that fit well with the style of The Pink Panther. Whilst it was a pleasant and nostalgic experience to read this, it wasn't particularly exciting or different; but perhaps this isn't what you're looking for from this comic. It keeps the spirit of the original alive with characteristic artwork and stories, including other characters to keep your interest. It is, however, a let-down that I found the Pink Panther'so segments to be the least funny, though. Even if you're not going to be blown away, this is a solid, quick nostalgic break from life as you know it.