A review by liaweneryniel
UNIT: Incursions by Jonathan Morris, Lisa McMullin, Guy Adams


Oh boy, the day was finally here. The new UNIT was there *.*

The first story 'This sleep of Death' already captured me. The dark secret Abbey Marston of UNIT is put into the daylight. Kate, Osgood and Josh have to resurrect a soldier to solve a crisis. Only, the soldier played them and now they have to fight the Static. Poor Osgood has to suffer yet again but in the end, everything is fine. The story was very eerie and at times quite spooky. Abbey Marston is a strange place with a strange atmosphere. I basically heard how scared and intimidated Kate and the rest were. It's something which cannot really be explained. I liked this new spin on the story very much.

The second story 'Tempest' I loved. Not only because i love Shakespeare's the Tempest, but also because od Mother McCracken. Alexandra Mathe cracked me up several times. And I more than once thought that she resembled the witches in Shakespeare's play. The idea of a distress signal causing havoc around the globe was an awesome idea. I liked it that this time around the alines were friendly and simply needed help. I enjoyed Kate on the Oil rig very much, telling the guy who is the head of the oil rig off several times. She was at her best and Jemma Redgrave is able to make Kate sound not condescending but just not giving a f** about what you say, it has to go differently now :-D

The story I was really looking forward to was 'The Power of River Song'. Kate Stewart and River Song in one room? Sign me up! It became pretty obvious pretty quickly into the story that River Song was not River Song. She behaved utterly different and I called that River was in the same spot than Osgood. When Kate and River finally met, it could have been more of the banter I had hoped for. I hope they bring those two back at one point.
The story with Kate's murder really got to me and awith the knowledge that after this box set, they are going to take a break, I was really worried in the end. I feared that they would kill Kate Stewart and that the next box set would feature the team and maybe the Doctor trying to bring her back....I was so thankful for River and Osgood and it was really sweet to see how much Osgood cares for Kate. The slow decent of Kate into madness was brilliantly portrayed by Jemma Redgrave. After not sleeping for three days and being forced to investigate her own murder together with the realisation that she has to die even after solving the case, brought tears to my eyes. You could feel Kate's despair but for the sake fo the world she was ready to sacrifice herself. ash was also amazing. He did everything he could for his boss and it showed how deeply he cares for her. He understood her reasoning and was hurting to see her die. The description of the blast coming nearer and nearer to Kate's forehead and her feeling the heat had me on the edge of my seat. I was screaming and crying and then I was so relieved that she was literally saved by the width of a hair.

The box set was again great. I had hoped for more banter between Kate and River but the banter between Osgood and River was great to. I liked that Osgood did not trust River and kind of belittled her. I liked that she was not starstruck like she would have been with the Doctor. I wonder what happens when she finds out who exactly River is...that could be hilarious^^

Now, this amazing series is on a break and it is not clear when the next box set will be out. I'm hoping that it is rather sooner than later. I need my Kate and UNIT fix. Until then I will be relistening to the eight box sets frequently, you can bet on it^^