A review by jmbibliolater
Meet Me in Paradise by Libby Hubscher


Whelp. Should this book get more than 3 stars? Possibly. But I stand by my rating for REASONS of which I will get to but first, let's talk about the reasons as to why you should read Meet Me In Paradise.

The Good:
1) It is literally set in Paradise. You can't get a better setting than that!
2) If you are looking for a emotionally charged plot in which tissues are required, Meet Me In Paradise is exactly what you need.
3) It's a story of self re-discovery and I was here for it.

The Bad:
1) One of the characters is one of the most SELFISH characters I have read in a long time. Yes, I know certain conditions are her driving force but let's be honest. This girl has been selfish her entire life. All I kept reading from her perspective is "I want, I want, I want." If I had a sister do to me what Sadie did to Marin, I would lose my shit. Give your sister Marin credit, Sadie! Withholding the information you did was incredibly horrific.

2) There are jokes about being the type to wear a one piece bathing suit which really pissed me off. It was body shaming. If a girl wants to wear a one piece, then let her! It's not a big deal. Maybe it is more comfortable for her. It doesn't mean that she isn't daring or adventurous.

3) I needed more of an ending.

And that's that. I could possibly write an entire dissertation on all the reasons as to why Meet Me In Paradise did not work for me but I digress.