A review by angelsrgorgeous
I'm Telling the Truth, but I'm Lying: Essays by Bassey Ikpi


I initially didn't like this book - it started too slow for me , focusing in things I didn't come to the book for, and I wasn't really a fan of her writing style. After being back and forth for the first quarter or third of the book about whether I should quit reading or not, it took a turn to improve. Not an obvious turn, but somehow the writing style began making sense in the larger context, possibly the subject matter became more what I was expecting, etc., but it felt much improved.

To move from being rated 1 star in my head to being ranked 5 near the end seems significant, and I've settled on 4 stars.

If you have any curiosity about Bipolar II (not characterized by the manic, out of control highs that we classify as Bipolar I, but the consistent out of control lows instead - these sometimes punctuated by the lower high of hypomanic states), and would like to experience what I've read the author refer to as her "roadmap" through this disease, this is a great foray into the subject. There were parts I purposely skipped (ie. - I don't really like reading about other people's sex...), but the problematic parts were few and far between.

The entry the author allows the reader into her mind during a severe anxiety attack, for example, is enlightening. The internal fights that occur during the author's constant attempts to force sleep while stuck in a mixed or a hypo state are eye opening. The personal account of the negative effects psych meds can and often do have on patients is crushing. At the very least, this book will open up a bit of the reality of what others may be dealing with invisibly on a daily basis, allowing you to become more loving and supportive.