A review by misoreads
Butterface by Gwen Hayes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
I really wanted to like this book, I was even excited to read it at first but as a lesbian myself it got uncomfortable real quick. Gwen pushes this utopic rose-colored glasses idea of lesbianism in her book and pulls enough "being a lesbian would be so much easier boohoo" stunts for me to handle. My sexuality is not some second plate choice you can fall into just because you're unsuccessful at attracting guys. Beth (the main character) dismisses the experience that us lesbians have to go through because according to her we live in this rainbow-colored world where nothing bad ever happens. 
I couldn't keep going after Beth mentions the idea of cutting her hair short like "a real lesbian". Gwen, what the actual fuck? Your character doesn't even like girls and has never related to what being a lesbian is about so why on earth is she talking about what "a real lesbian" is???? Ffs keep my sexuality out your character's mouth. We didn't even ask to be here!!
And don't get me started on how, according to Beth, she is asexual "most of the time" as if it was a piece of clothe she can just wear and then take off.
I know this book came out in 2010 but that's no excuse for Gwen Hayes to keep using LGBTQIA+ identities as if we were pieces on a board she can just handle as she likes. If you as an author decide to introduce queer terminology in your story, especially if you do not relate to the LGBTQIA+ community yourself (and even if you do), you make sure to research what you're talking about and treat such terms with respect given you're talking about real-life experiences that real people go through. As an author you owe us that much.

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